Curved buy smartphone Galaxy Round can now outside South Korea - Android Planet

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 November 2013 0 komentar

buy Galaxy round The Galaxy Round is minimized in the U.S. and Australia. Samsung smartphone with curved screen in two webshops surfaced, while the unit would be. Initially available only in South Korea Android fans who buy a Galaxy Round, have to have a big bag of money.

An Australian shop there asks converted 840 euros, while a U.S. site even converted charges 909 euros. Both stores do not have the phone in stock, but it is possible to place a reservation. Of course, European buyers or account of high cost of shipping and importing the Galaxy Round.

Galaxy Round is a smartphone from Samsung as most unique feature is a curved 5.7-inch screen (1080 × 1920 pixels). If your device flat and standby puts on the table, you can thanks to the curved roll to one side him.

In this way it is possible to have a look. quickly the time, battery status and alerts Under the hood is also a 2.3GHz quad-core processor, 3GB RAM, a 2800 mAh battery and find. A 13-megapixel camera

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Judul: Curved buy smartphone Galaxy Round can now outside South Korea - Android Planet
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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