Android 4.3 update for HTC One and Galaxy S4 -

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 November 2013 0 komentar

Photo: Bloomberg


Samsung and HTC have announced. The update is not yet available to all users.

Many users get the update within Monday. With HTC’s Android 4.3 coupled with Sense 5.5. Sense is the native layer on Android HTC explains it. This layer also has a new version.

Sense 5.5 has included improvements Feed for Blink, a separate view for the latest updates on Twitter, Facebook and other sources. It is also now possible to show updates from eg Instagram and RSS feeds and Feed Blink can be disabled.

V brighter is all about small changes. Also, users of Sense 5.5 free 25GB cloud storage at Google Drive.

Samsung, the update associated with the security app Samsung Knox and payment Wallet app. Also the keyboard has been updated and the browser is adjusted to reflect. Tabs differently Thanks to Android 4.3 is also full support for the smart watch Galaxy Gear.

Meanwhile, Google has already released Android 4.4. This update will probably only appear in a few months because devices still want to adjust.

companies like Samsung and HTC software to buy

What’s new in Android 4.3?

The main changes in Android 4.4

Judul: Android 4.3 update for HTC One and Galaxy S4 -
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